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Individual Therapy
Individual therapy can help individuals with interpersonal issues. For example, problems with parents, children, significant others, and/or friends. Individual therapy is also effective for stress management and self-growth.
Child/ Adolescent Therapy
I offer age appropriate counseling for young children and adolescents. Depending on the developmental age and the personality, I use art or play therapy to explore a young client’s inner world.
Couples Therapy
photo by Ed Yourdon
Couples therapy is useful for couples who are experiencing relational/ marital problems. These problems include but not limited to marriage, divorce, infidelity, sex, parenting, and infertility issues. I also offer Co-Parenting Counseling to those who are mandated by the court. I pay particular attention to strategies for building constructive communication and positive parenting skills.
Family Therapy
In family therapy, unlike individual therapy, the entire family is treated as one system. I explore the cause of the family’s dysfunctional communication styles and behavioral patterns, and then help them replace those with healthy family dynamics.
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